Persian, Translated

A Database of Persian Literature in English Translation

فارسی، به انگلیسی

بانک داده‌ ترجمه‌های انگلیسی از ادبیات فارسی

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Persian, Translated is a database of Persian literature translated into English. The project hopes to catalogue the publishing data for as many works of translation as possible, ideally everything.

This database was designed and implemented by Ali Araghi. The project began as part of his dissertation as a PhD candidate of Comparative Literature, International Writers Track at Washington University in St. Louis. To learn more about him, visit his personal website here.

Authors and Translators

If you are a translator or an author and can't find your work catalogued in the database, please feel free to contact me. You can help me by sending me information about your work.

If you want to update your page with your photo, email me your photo and I will happily add or update your photo.

If you are publishing a book of Persian literature in English translation, I will be happy to help promote it free of charge. Please contact me to discuss advertisement options.


I would like to thank Lynne Tatlock for her unwavering support of me and this prroject from the beginning. Many thanks to Jae Kim who taught me the programming languages I needed to begin creating this databse. My gratitude also goes to the Humanities Digital Workshop at Washington University in St. Louis and especially Joe Loewenstein, Doug Knox, and Stephen Pentecost for their help and support during the different stages of this project.


My work is next in a line of scholars and writers who have made attempts to catalogue translated Persian literature. The Persian, Translated data comes partly from these lists.